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남부센터 | Sue

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PEEC 작성일23-02-06 14:11 조회1,099회 댓글0건





Good day everyone! I'm Jeong Heesu and you can call me by my english name, Sue. My major is Chinese and Japanese, but I've studied English for long time. As a language specialist, I consider myself as a Bridge of Culture. Hope you guys learn English for fun like me, It's a pleasure for me to teach at PEEC and I really look forward to meeting you.



안녕하세요 Sue입니다^^

평택영어교육센터에서 저와 함께 즐거운 영어를 배워볼까요?

곧 만나요~!

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남부센터 : (17994) 경기도 평택시 팽성읍 팽성남산4길 6 | Tel 031.668.0509 | Fax 031.8094.4700
북부센터 : (17740) 경기도 평택시 장당길 120 평택시근로자복지회관 내 별관 | Tel 031.668.9973 | Fax 031.668.9974
서부센터 : (17941) 경기도 평택시 안중읍 안현로 400 2층 | Tel 031.8054.7909 | Fax 031.681.4750
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