교사소개 1 페이지

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교사소개 목록

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교사소개 목록
  • Siphumelele
  •  Sanibonani! My name is Siphumelele and I am from South Africa, I’m currently pursuing my honors degree in teaching. I lived and taught English i…
  • Nick
  •  Hello, I’m Nick. I have always had a strong passion for teaching. That’s why since I was in university, I started to teach english an…
  • Mukovhe
  • Hello! My name is Mukovhe and I'm from South Africa. I'm excited to embark on this language-learning journey with you. With a background in law and a …
  • Sydney
  •   Hello Everyone! My name is Sydney, and I’m from the United States. I grew up in Virginia and spent the last few years in the DC suburbs st…
  • Sam
  •   Nice to meet y’all! My name is Sanghui Lee or you can call me Sam. I love English. I majored in English linguistics back in colle…
  • Yannick
  •   Hello Everyone.  My name is Yannick and I am from Cape Town, South Africa. I graduated from the University of  the Wes…
  • Sue
  •    Good day everyone! I'm Jeong Heesu and you can call me by my english name, Sue. My major is Chinese and Japanese, but I've studied E…
  • Diana
  • Hello! My name is Diana.I graduated high school in Lynden, Washington. I earned my degree in Tourism English and English Communication. I love teachin…
  • Sunny
  •  Hello!I'm Sunny (Kyoungsun). Ever since I graduated from University, I have been teaching English to a variety of different age groups. I find i…
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