모집 | [Job Opening] PEEC Native English Instructor
페이지 정보
작성자 PEEC 작성일24-03-18 10:14 조회4,811회 댓글0건첨부파일
2024년 제1회 원어민 강사 채용 공고문KOR.hwp (118.5K) 20회 다운로드 DATE : 2024-03-18 10:14:40
24.1ST. OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENTENG.pdf (732.8K) 20회 다운로드 DATE : 2024-03-18 10:14:40
Application Form_Your Namenew.docx (20.9K) 23회 다운로드 DATE : 2024-03-18 10:14:40
평택시국제교류재단 공고 제2024-34호
Pyeongtaek English Education Center(PEEC) of the Pyeongtaek International Exchange Foundation(PIEF) is an organization under
the Pyeongtaek City. PEEC is seeking responsible and competent native English teachers for the English Education Center.
2024. 3. 18.
Chairman of Pyeongtaek International Exchange Foundation
1. |
| Working Conditions |
Position | Contract Period | The Number of People | |
contract worker | Native English Teacher | 1 year | 2 |