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남부센터 | Siphumelele

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PEEC 작성일24-06-17 16:26 조회446회 댓글0건



Sanibonani! My name is Siphumelele and I am from South Africa, I’m currently pursuing my honors degree in teaching. I lived and taught English in Jeju Island and it has been such a rewarding experience , I am so excited to be continuing with my teaching journey . I love teaching because I enjoy making learning fun for others! I am looking forward to this year- it’s going to be great! 

개인정보처리방침 이용약관 오시는길
남부센터 : (17994) 경기도 평택시 팽성읍 팽성남산4길 6 | Tel 031.668.0509 | Fax 031.8094.4700
북부센터 : (17740) 경기도 평택시 장당길 120 평택시근로자복지회관 내 별관 | Tel 031.668.9973 | Fax 031.668.9974
서부센터 : (17941) 경기도 평택시 안중읍 안현로 400 2층 | Tel 031.8054.7909 | Fax 031.681.4750
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