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서부센터 | Angie

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PEEC 작성일20-02-20 15:12 조회2,376회 댓글0건


Hello~ I'm Angie. 

I spent half my life in California and earned my degree in Child Development.

Because I love children, I love working with them and see how they improve in every area of development.

I believe learning anything requires a fun environment, which makes learning enjoyable.

You are not going to learn anything if you are not having fun at all.

It's a pleasure for me to teach at PEEC and I really look forward to meeting you to have fun together!


안녕하세요~ 제 이름은 Angie 입니다!

영어를 배우는 데 있어서 꼭 필요한 요소는 재미라고 생각합니다.

영어를 배우는데 재미가 있으면 흥미를 가지고 흥미가 있으면 의욕이 생기기 때문에 더욱더 효율적으로 영어를 배울 수 있습니다.


평택영어교육센터에서 만나요~ 

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북부센터 : (17740) 경기도 평택시 장당길 120 평택시근로자복지회관 내 별관 | Tel 031.668.9973 | Fax 031.668.9974
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